Partner: IGAD and Global center
Funded by: Global Center
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Center of Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (ICEPCVE) and the East Africa Civil Society Organizations Hub (CSO Hub) partner together and collaborate with key national, regional, and international actors to achieve theshared objective of deepening community resilience to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE) inthe East and Horn of Africa region.
ICEPCVE is a regional platform for training, coordination and connectivity, knowledge sharing, communityand civil society organization (CSO) engagement, strategic communication, and research on P/CVE forgovernment and civil society actors in the Eastern and Horn of Africa region. ICEPCVE has a mandate to “facilitate the building of partnerships between governments, NGOs, civil society and sub-nationalactors.”
The CSO Hub aims at supporting and deepening regional civil society networks strengthen programming capacities, and developing a representative voice for civil society to engage with governments, regionaland international bodies on the development of P/CVE policies and programs. The Global Center onCooperative Security (Global Center) facilitates the CSO Hub, with initial support from the Government of the Netherlands.
The role of TYC is interim Co-convenes of the organizing CSO workshop in Tanzania for 2017.